Previous posts in the original Blogger Tips and Tricks (although I believe I am the very first to start "Blogger Tips and Tricks", a very useful and popular resource blog for bloggers particularly using's platform, there has sprouted lots other "Blogger Tips and Tricks" so forcing me to append the original to my original Blogger Tips and Tricks) have described how to upload WORD documents, Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations plus embed into blogs and websites, things have changed requiring a retest of Scribd, so below is my test linking to Scribd: Criminal Trick and linking to Scribd: Criminal Trick, full screen plus test embedding below the document below:
Criminal Trick
Below are the screen shots I took while doing this test and you probably can see how to do it from the screen shots or alternatively wait till I get time tomorrow to write a new post over at my Scribd: Criminal Trick and linking to Scribd: Criminal Trick, full screen: